She Said to Move Like a Ferrari – Part 1

The Story, The Imagery, and Real World Application

I was so embarrassed.  More to come on that later…

Recently, we’ve discussed the creative application of readily available and even dissimilar resources.

This includes approaching problems with a different type of mindset – Using a consciously-reasoned point of view to directly utilize your unique skills, talents, and interests in impactful ways.

Shimmering Vistas of Personal Growth – Part 1

Of Incremental Actions and Exponential Results: A Path

Practice makes perfect.  Growing up, we’ve all heard that phrase at least once.

Let’s define practice as small, focused, deliberate daily actions that are rooted in a well-reasoned plan based on a long-term perspective and influenced by your closely-held values.

I’ve found that partaking of incremental, consistent, concentrated “short burst” practice sessions can have an exponentially-positive impact.  Often, in less time than we think.

On Trained Awareness: Seeing the Signs – Part 1

Approaching Uncertainty, Big Decisions, and Peace of Mind

The time has come to make a big decision.  It may have been prompted by a variety of circumstances.

Maybe you’ve been searching for an opportunity for what seems like forever, and you’ve nothing to show for it.  You’re considering whether to make a bold move in a dramatic new direction.

Or maybe,  you have too many opportunities…

What’s the First Step?

In chapter sixty-four of Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching, there’s a well known verse which discusses how a long journey begins with just one step.

I think the journey referenced in that passage is considered worthwhile and significant. It’s a much anticipated expedition, and it is in line with the traveler’s values and long-term goals.

The person taking this journey has done his or her best to foresee any possible detours and bumps in the road before embarking.