The Stand (Anchor, Reprint edition August 7, 2012)

I’m finally wrapping up the The Stand by Stephen King.

And, one thing to mention before we proceed… There are some spoiler alerts for some of the content interspersed below.

The Stand is truly a magnificent novel…

Beyond Mindfulness in Plain English: An Introductory guide to Deeper States of Meditation (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2009)

In reviewing Beyond Mindfulness in Plain English: An Introductory guide to Deeper States of Meditation by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana throughout this past week (this is my fourth time reading it over the last few years) I was reminded of a key personal truth.  More on that later.

This is one of the very best books I’ve read from the perspective of an author who details the more advanced levels of meditation: The jhanas.

Here’s why: